I bought a bus!

It was August 12th, 2021, just two days before the first ever Happy Healing Fest. I was laying in the bed of my childhood room watching my ceiling fan spin around and around. Filled with anxiety.

How is this happening in two days? Did I prepare enough? Will anybody come? Will everything go smoothly? Will I humiliate myself?

Midway through my spiral, images started flashing across my vision like I was suddenly watching a movie screen.

I saw myself inside of a bus chopping vegetables, laughing, and sharing stories with a couple I didn’t recognize. Next thing I know, all three of us were on top of the bus. I’m playing the guitar and singing for them while they eat the dinner I had just prepared.

Just as suddenly, the scene ended. I was back to watching my ceiling fan.

What on earth was that? Am I supposed to buy a bus? Is that my next step? If so, please show me the way.

After the festival was over, I began my research. And after 9 months of searching, disappointments, and confusion… I had finally found the perfect match.


The perfect match